
July 24-28, 2024 | Bolimów Primeval Forest

Conscious Man

CONSCIOUS MAN features three main zones: Knowledge Zone, Skills Zone, Transformation Zone, and even more themed zones, including Cold Exposure Zone, Construction Zone, Bodywork Zone, Sweat Lodge Zone, Health Zone.

Conscious Man is


W Knowledge Zone znajdziesz wykłady i prelekcje dotyczące:

Building Healthy Relationships


Effective Tools for Life Change


Alternative Medicine/Health



And much more


In Skills Zone, we will learn:

How to practically build financial independence

How to unleash the full potential of your body

Wim Hof's breathing methods

Self-defense, martial arts

Natural building techniques

How to take care of your health

Survival skills in the wilderness

First aid in emergencies

And much more


In the Transformation Zone, through special processes, rituals, and practices, we will focus on:

Building a healthy relationship with oneself

Healing past traumas

Releasing and transforming difficult emotions

Connecting with one's spiritual and energetic potential

Shedding masks that we wear, which separate us from ourselves

Healing the relationship with the Father

Building a healthy, male community

Liberating the Voice



Zbigniew Mlak

Who am I and how many of us are there?

Andrzej Hrycaj

Internal Fire - Power Center

Bartek Stefański

From Separation to Balance

Dawid Rzepecki

The Path of the Tantric Man

Grzegorz Sykała

Heart's Music - Shamanic Songs Concert

Robert Usewicz
Huzy navigator

Navigator Concert - Sound Ceremony


Concert 'Return to the Source'

Krzysztof Stefanek

Deep Dive - Breath of Truth and Creation

Łukasz Caputa

Get to Know Mr. Mushroom

Łukasz Puchalski

The Ancestral Heritage of Contemporary Slavic Descendants from the Maori Perspective

Michał Godlewski

The Source of Masculinity, Breath Energy, Reconciliation with the Father

Michał Pyziak

Enough of Being a Nice Person

Michał Ratajski

Male Stirring

Piotr Matłok

Pipe Ceremony, Sweat Lodge Ceremony, Bear Ceremony

Marcin Poćwiardowski

LOWEN for MEN - The Path to the Body

<h6>Zbigniew o swoim spotkaniu:</h6>

Mikołaj Szerment

Playfight - The Art of Connection

Tomasz Modrzewski

Man as a Patient - Authentic Stories

Wojciech Wieconkowski

Największa miłość wojownika - opowieść o kole medycyny czyli o relacji z kręgiem życia

Bartosz Zadurski

Empatyczna komunikacja z samym sobą i innymi

Taimana (Manaaki) MOU SING

"Haka Māori, Soamako, Haka o Mō'iri"

Phao Sanato

Songs of the Soul - Voice Liberation Workshop

Robert Rient

Power and Love - A Shamanic Perspective

Kuba Bania Izbicki

Transformation of Aggression

Tomasz Eichelberger

Qi Gong. Man in Harmony

Tymoteusz Niemiec

To the Truth Through Fear

Marcel Bird Wieteska

Integral Yoga

Sajti & Pachamama Band

Camino Rojo del Corazon

Huitzomitl Tattooing

Temazcal, Aztec Dance, Indigeneus Ceremonial Tattooing

Michał Shootman Majewski

The Open Heart of a Man - Journey through the Male Perspective of Parenthood

Łukasz Gołoś

Journey to the Future: A Tale of Planning, Prediction, and Anticipation

Kamil Lelonek

10 Mistakes That Make You Stop Being a Man, or How You're Losing Testosterone

Filip Filipiuk

Heart Song Circle

Leo Mross

Wild Hearts

Richard Sion RA Windelov

Whole Man

Rafał Wilk

Chronobiology: What It Is and How to Manage Human Energy



Zbigniew Mlak

""Who am I and how many of us are there?"

Zbigniew about his encounter:

Lover, wizard, warrior, and king – archetypes that are an integral part of every man, worth discovering, understanding, and integrating. How much of the lover's attitude and action, and how much of the wizard's magic do we use to achieve our goals in life? How many battles and wars do we still have to fight for peace to reign within us, and where is the king who serves and rules?

We will talk about archetypes, how to recognize and feel them within ourselves. We will explore their strength and influence, a power that builds but can also destroy. Participants, by getting to know the light and dark sides of archetypes, will have the opportunity to examine themselves, their needs, and behaviors.


I am a theologian, psychologist, and systemic therapist. For several years, I have been conducting developmental workshops for men with elements of psychology, spirituality, and shamanism. I gained experience working, among other things, as a chaplain in the German Bundeswehr (military missions in Kosovo and Afghanistan) and as a psychologist in a detention center in Germany.

I currently work as a therapist, psychologist, and supervisor in Germany and Poland."

Join us!

Andrzej Hrycaj

Internal Fire - Power Center

Andrzej about his workshop:

My center is like a personal reactor, the center of gravity and navigation. Being in connection with oneself means both finding and integrating lost pieces of one's own soul and rebuilding the connection with a greater whole. If I am at the center, I am in connection with my internal fire. I act from the place of connection with my authenticity and power. When I am in connection with myself, I can honestly relate to what is within me and consciously engage in interactions outside.

We will explore the multidimensionality of the male SELF, experiencing, perceiving, and responding. Who I am, who I am not. What is within us in the light, and what is in the shadow. We will immerse ourselves in presence, feeling, deepening, and expanding our qualities. We will seek the avoided areas, check how to connect with them. We will see how it is for us without justifying ourselves, without macho bravado, and without compensating for complexes.

We will examine how the relationship with ourselves intertwines with relationships with others and with the world. We will allow questions to arise in us and give space for answers. All using the equipment we are naturally equipped with by nature - movement, deep co-feeling, and breath. In the end, we will embark on a breath journey with the Wim Hof method. And whatever happens, we will be together.


"Andrzej Hrycaj, in a relationship with his beloved woman for 25 years, a happy father of two adult children, entrepreneur. In love with life, which is a journey. Hence the passion for mountains, hiking, and contact with nature. An enthusiast of conscious practices with the body, breath, emotions, and mental attitude.

An instructor of the Wim Hof method, organizer of the RE/SET RE\CONNECT workshops, a practitioner of Tibetan Tummo technology - awakening internal fire, lifetrepreneur, biohacker. An enthusiast of primal forms of self-contact and contact with others through movement exploration with elements of play and combat.

A promoter of the principles of deep ecology and the understanding that everything is connected. Personal credo - "Be the change you want to see in the world." He sees life as a continuous journey in which every moment and every step is an opportunity to act even a bit more consciously and thus better. His mission is to assist and help others in being a happy, healthy, and strong version of themselves."

More about Andrzej and his work can be found here:

FB: Wewnętrzny Ogień
YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UM8HD5J06sE

Bartek Stefański

"From separation to balance"

Bartek about his lecture:

Regardless of whether you want to regain Emotional Freedom after a breakup or have just ended a relationship, whether you are currently on the edge or still dealing with past wounds, it will show you how to release emotions and move forward in peace and harmony with yourself.


• Want to sever emotional ties with their ex-partner
• Are stuck in grief after a breakup for too long (months, years)
• Fear starting a new relationship
• Still suffer after a breakup
• Want to return to an Ex but need to rebuild themselves first
• Are seeking support and guidance after a past relationship


• Your emotions after the relationship are released, and you feel peace and harmony
• You no longer have racing thoughts about your ex-partner
• You joyfully start the next stage in your life
• You know you deserve happy love
• You are ready for another relationship
• You talk to your Ex about matters that still connect you in a partnership manner and with mutual respect"


Privately: Man, father, partner
Professionally: psychotherapist, author, entrepreneur
I conduct therapies, systemic constellations, liberating meditations, workshops, men's circles, online courses that help deepen awareness in various areas of life and achieve balance, release emotions, and align oneself and the family.
Relationship and connection therapist, realized on the website www.tajemnicezwiazku.pl
Author: Secrets of the Relationship and From Breakup to Balance about relationships, building a relationship, from breakup to mindfulness and its stages
Author: Medicine of Life - The Path to Wholeness about 6 spaces for living fully, the foundation for which online personal development courses are created, and the Academy of Medicine of Life - visit www.medycynazycia.pl
Host of the Medicine of Life Podcast (formerly Wake Up to Life).
See you there!

Dawid Rzepecki

"The Path of the Tantric Man"

David about his meeting:

The modern man is a man lost, searching for himself in pop culture patterns. Those more conscious begin to ask what masculinity means, and even deeper: 'who am I?' Culture suggests to us what colorful success looks like and encourages us to seek the 'best version of ourselves.' However, is this truly the best path to self-discovery?

During the meeting, we will explore questions related to directions in personal development, tantric beliefs, male-female relationships, the role of women in awakening men, and how the philosophy and practice of tantra can support us in this entire adventure.


Dawid Rzepecki – Educated in philosophy and therapy, a teacher, and trainer. Since 1999, he has been conducting workshops in Poland and around the world (India, Bali, Peru, Egypt, Thailand). His workshop proposals strengthen the male and female elements with a simultaneous experience of spirituality. Together with his wife, he conducts tantric workshops for couples. He is the founder of men's circles.

For several years, he has led developmental journeys for men to various parts of the world (Morocco, Colombia, Peru, Guatemala, Belize, Mexico, the Canary Islands, Thailand, Cambodia). Co-author of the bestselling book titled 'Sexual Life of Parents: How to Build Long-Term Partner Relationships,' published by Natuli."

You can find more about Dawid and his work here:
www: www.TantraLove.eu
fb: TantraLove
IG: instagram.com/TantraLove.eu_zosiaidawid


Grzegorz Sykała

"Music of the Heart - Shamanic Song Concert"

Grzegorz about his performance:

The concert that takes you far and high to ultimately meet what is closest to us. Yourself, your heart, and personal freedom. I invite you in full freedom and expression of body and voice. We will travel on the wings of songs from Colombia, Peru, Brazil, as well as India and Poland.


"Grzegorz Sykała – ceremonial musician. Artist of the moment. Brother and companion in the circle. He worked as a manager, stand-up comedian, and actor. Consciously landed in the shamanic space, which he considers the foundation of performative art. He shares music that helps you feel. He learned shamanic songs during ceremonies in Poland, Peru, Italy, France, Hungary, and Portugal. As a supporting musician, he collaborates with international facilitators, including Maestro Fredy Velasquez, the vocalist of Grupo Putumayo.

He leads Cacao ceremonies and the cyclic music event Shamanic Flow. He sings mainly South American songs, mantras, and Polish original compositions. He creates an open space where participants feel safe and can experience what they need most at that moment."

You can find Grzegorz and his music here:


Robert Usewicz Huzy navigator

NAVIGATOR Concert - Sound Ceremony

Huzy about his concert:

"The Navigator's concert is a transformative Sound Ceremony that takes participants on a deep relaxation and meditative musical journey, with high artistic value.

Today, Navigator's music is a combination of years of experience as an entertainer, therapist, and Gong Master. The use of self-built instruments such as the Navigator's shamanic harp or flutes, combined with ambient guitar, vocals, and electronic effects, creates a sound platform for deep internal journeys, as well as body movement work and good fun.

"Go deep for treasures. Soar high for pleasure."

Navigator's organic sound restores harmony and helps anchor it in our reality, taking participants on a colorful sonic journey on a cosmic ship woven with the frequencies of Love.

Welcome aboard"


"Artist, musician, medicine man, Renaissance man. Since the age of eight, he knew that his path would be the path of sound. He experimented with various sounds and music genres, exploring the impact of sound on the human body. He sought himself.

A classically trained musician by education, with extensive experience in electronic, pop, and rock music as a composer, producer, and sound engineer. He also has numerous hours of music for films, TV, and theatrical productions to his credit.

Since 2002, after being introduced to the World of Sacred Sounds by a visionary and shaman, Huzy focused all his attention on the therapeutic, conscious, and consciousness-raising use of sound.

Together with his beloved, they created the Temple of Sound in Kaszuby, where for seven years, they served, helping many in 'logging out' from the old paradigm, inspiring new ways of being and living. Huzy also runs the Navigator Sound Academy, where he shares his knowledge."

More about Huzy and his work can be found here:

FB: Świątynia Dźwięku - Sound Temple Andara
FB: Navigator
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7xAgiLoLLPONfRrr-8DgIg
WWW: https://navigatormusic.pl/pl/home/
WWW: https://navigatorgong.bandcamp.com



"Podróż do Źródła"

Jaruha about his concert:

"The concert will be a musical meditation. It will include compositions that I created during spontaneous creative sessions. The pieces will range from calm and meditative to wild, unrestrained, and primal.

"Return to the Source" is not only a return to our culture grounded in physicality but, above all, a return to the source of our being and joyful spiritual awareness. The album will be a mixture of spontaneous melodies and songs, sometimes echoing our primal tribal nature.

"Return to the Source" aims to unite our lost or stolen soul fragments to increase our power, perception, understanding, and, most importantly, to influence and create a reality aligned with our spiritual needs."


"Composer, vocalist, lyricist, and producer of his own music and music videos. A creator, not a mimic, promoting through his music the Slavic roots and indigenous origin of the Polans.

So far, I have released three albums.
Currently working on the fourth one: "Return to the Source."

Learn more about this extraordinary artist here:
www: www.jaruha.pl
kanał YT: https://www.youtube.com/@JaraWiedza

With all our hearts, we invite you!

Krzysztof Stefanek

"Deep Dive - Breath of Truth and Creation"

Krzysztof about his performance:

"Together, we will delve into the depths of the Breath so that you can independently experience the 'naked truth' about yourself and emerge into Life as much as your courage allows. Then we will do it again and again, and again... Until you rise, creating yourself as you envision, with others accompanying you, and you becoming a companion for others.

You don't have to train your breath. You don't have to train yourself. You can observe the breath. You can observe yourself. You don't have to be passive. You don't have to be active. You can be a present and feeling observer.

You don't have to know what your breath is 'saying.' You can observe it, support it, build your mindfulness upon it, and understanding may come, but it doesn't have to. It will be an experience for sure.

You can enter the process of being more in touch with your breath, from full inhalation to full exhalation. You can be on the journey all the way between its true peak and immersion into the deepest depths. You can be a present man supporting this process, which is the foundation of your existence.

You can pour your essence into it, so that from the root, it becomes the essence of your whole self, what you share with the world—whether you are aware of it or not.

You can experience the gentle truth about yourself, and if you allow it, it will come without any concessions.

All of this you can do, if only you dare to dive deep enough..."


My name is Stefan. I was once called Krzysztof Stefanek. I am patiently waiting to discover my true name.

I have always been fascinated by this human being, conducting various explorations and experiments with him. Solo journeys and expeditions are important to me, but the greatest joy comes from co-creating Life.

Out of this love for the energy of collaboration, W Gruncie Ruchu, Stowarzyszenie Natury Zew, and HEX emerged, of which I am both a shared and independent part.

I have been exploring the world and myself, both organically and through technology, independently and in groups, for 38 years. Since August 2021, I've been getting to know the world from the perspective of being a father to Bella, who reminds me of the importance of caring for this world, both the one I carry within me and the one that surrounds me.

I won't boast about what degrees I've earned, as the most important lessons I've learned have come from Life. In the journey where I said, "I'm checking" or we said, "Let's check this," with those who trusted me on our shared path.

If you want to get to know me and what I have to offer, come and be attentive at the "Deep Dive - Breath of Truth and Creation" workshop.

Łukasz Caputa

Meet Mr. Mushroom!

Łukasz about his performance:

"They are virtually present everywhere humans are, and even beyond – they can feed us or heal us, or on the contrary, poison us or even kill us – I am, of course, talking about mushrooms. Some species are often found on Polish Christmas Eve tables, some cause problems like those in poorly ventilated bathrooms, and there are even some for which possession can lead us to prison. Without a doubt, the world of mushrooms is not so much diverse as fascinating.

In the lecture, we will try to delve into this world, understand their life cycle, and learn practical methods allowing for the cultivation of certain species in the comfort of our own homes. A piece of the forest in our own apartment? Maybe it's clickbait – come and see for yourself.

During the lecture, participants will understand the life cycle of mushrooms and learn techniques for cultivating selected species at home. A combination of theory and practice allowing an entry into the world of mycology."


"A person curious about the world whose fate once led him to a certain Viennese cellar where he learned mushroom cultivation based on circular economy. Apart from mycology, he is interested in broad aspects of personal and spiritual development. In his free time, he crafts knives in the workshop or plays the didgeridoo."

Łukasz Puchalski

"The Heritage of Contemporary Slavic Descendants from the Perspective of the Maoris. Rediscovering, Integrating, Sustaining Inner Power."

Łukasz about his performance:

"The lecture and workshop address the theme of returning to and integrating our Innate Inner Power. Through the perspective of Maori insights into Inner Development (on the levels of the 'TRINITY: Body, Mind, and Spirit), I aim to bring closer the possibilities and methods of cooperation with oneself, ancestors, and elements to discover the potential of the magnificent divine being within each of us.

The lecture will cover the theoretical aspect. In the workshop, I will present practical body work and explain its impact on the levels of mind and spirit."


"My name is Łukasz Puchalski. I am a descendant of Weronika and Jan Puchalski, Rozalia, Julian Dec, Stanisława and Stanisław Puchalski, and all of my ancestors. As a father, brother, son, and friend, for many years, I have been working with inner power and self-development as a multidimensional divine being.

I have had the privilege of learning from Manuel Korewha and Atarangi Muru, renowned and respected Maori healers. Through the knowledge and experiences gained in New Zealand, I have discovered the beauty and significance of the life force and creative power within each of us, understanding the responsibility associated with them. As a 'Man of Action' or a masculine element, the fully awakened potential of the male aspect is crucial in this process, invaluable in today's times and at all times."

See you there!

Michał Godlewski

"The Sources of Masculinity. Energy of Breath. Reconciliation with the Father."

"The Sources of Masculinity. Energy of Breath. Reconciliation with the Father."

"We will work on connecting with the ancestral, multi-generational energy of men - your Ancestors through connection with the Father. The theme of a safe, warm, present, loving father and his absence is a common experience for many of us. The father is the man who leads us into the world, unless it didn't happen that way. This initial model and image of masculinity either left us filled or with a lack that is hard to fill.

The longing of a man for his father is archetypal, regardless of what our Father was like, thanks to him, we live, and that is a fact. Sometimes it is a figure excluded from ourselves, sometimes by ourselves, sometimes by mom and her image that seduces us.

Reclaiming the internal connection with Dad fuels our own masculinity, simultaneously freeing us from his history and flaws, giving access to what the multi-generational male strength endows us with, flowing through many men. Sometimes we are the first man who can respect the whole line of male ancestors, bringing healing to past and future generations, and also to ourselves.

Connecting with Dad and the Family on an energetic level translates into a sense of:

  • Fulfillment in the inner self
  • Sense of direction and purpose
  • Financial income
  • Ability to stand and persevere in relationships, projects, intentions, and actions
  • Energy for action
  • Ability to love and a sense of dignity and certainty
  • As well as a sense of belonging to oneself and having a place.

The process will be based on the method of family and archetypal constellations. I have experience in leading it multiple times for men and male groups with strong results for participants, not only during the process itself but also in life outcomes.

I personally got to know my father on a deeper level after 30 years of life, and this relationship transformed into an asset that carries me - a withdrawn and violent father became a loving and supportive dad. It's never too late for this, regardless of whether your father is alive or not and whether you perceive him as good or not today. The change occurs in your heart."


"Michał Godlewski - founder of the Institute of Breath, creator of the Transmodal Breath method, author of the book 'Breath Intelligence,' and the creator of the breath community. For 20 years, he has been conducting breath workshops and development training, attended by thousands of participants, including the Training of Professional Breath Practitioners and the Men's Gathering, where we experience circles, breath sessions, ceremonies, dance, and initiations.

He is also a dancer, composer, publisher, and businessman."

More about Michał and his work can be found here:
FB: Instytut Oddechu. Michał Godlewski
FB: Inteligencja Oddechu.Breath Intelligence
WWW: www.InstytutOddechu.com
WWW: www.InteligencjaOddechu.pl

Michał Pyziak

"Dość bycia Miłym Facetem."

Michał about his performance:

The conversation will revolve around the Nice Guy Syndrome as described by American psychologist Robert Glover in the book "No More Mr. Nice Guy."

The Nice Guy wants to be liked, preferably by everyone. He desires peace at all costs and seeks to avoid conflicts. He prioritizes the needs of others over his own. He bends over backward to please his partner, constantly fearing that he's not good enough. Despite his efforts, he wonders why life isn't going well for him. He lacks respect from his partner, faces exploitation at work, and conflicts, instead of disappearing, escalate. Despite his calm demeanor, he suddenly erupts in anger. He often falls into addictions. He tries so hard, yet feels little joy. What's going on?

We will discuss the sources of such behavior and ways to break free from it. I will share my experience from working with workshop groups for the past three years under the name "Enough of Being a Nice Guy." Participants will have the opportunity to examine their patterns and determine the direction of necessary change.


I am a personal development coach. I initiated male circle meetings in Łódź, which have been continuously active since 2012. I conduct workshops for men and nature retreats. I work individually with men on better understanding themselves, internal grounding, accessing sensitivity, and personal empowerment. Based on my own experiences, I wrote a book called 'The Male Path.' I have been a husband in a relationship for over two decades and a father of three daughters. Solitary stays in nature nourish me. I enjoy life.

ore about Michal and his work can be found here:
Męska Ścieżka

Michał Ratajski

"Masculine Movement"

Michał about his performance:

"Męskie Poruszenie" – a workshop of conscious presence practice. It's a time and place for men ready to step into the truth of who they are. It's a moment to courageously want to discover more about oneself, in action and interaction with other Brothers. Through the vibrant, conscious body and attentive mind, in movement integrated with breath. We will open up the space to observe our choices, limitations, decisions, beliefs, blocks, and potentials. We will examine what is important in the masculine for us here and now, in the present moment.

The workshop is based on the use of the proprietary I_GO_SYSTEM method, which draws on nearly 30 years of experience in various fields: martial arts, contact improvisation dance technique, work with conscious breath, and stage performances. By inviting the body to move consciously, we will explore the possibilities of integrating body, mind, and emotions.


"Michał Ratajski – for almost 30 years, a researcher, practitioner, philosopher, and seeker in the realms of movement, martial arts, dance, and theater. An academic lecturer, choreographer, director, dancer, performer, and a peaceful warrior.

Founder of the TRU_MAN initiative, advocating for the awakening and readiness of men to walk the path of truth. Organizer of expeditions called "Kuźnia Śmiałków" and workshops for men called "Męskie Poruszenie" (Masculine Movement). Co-creator of "MANIFEST – Zgromadzenie Mężczyzn" (MANIFESTO – Assembly of Men).

Founder of the Festival of Contact Improvisation FRU and the Dance Theater KIJO. Creator of the I_GO_SYSTEM method (Movement Practice Philosophy). He adheres to the principle that a good teacher is one who never ceases to be a student. Currently, he is a student at the Chow Gar Kung Fu school in Łódź.

For several years, he has been combining his knowledge in the broad field of movement with the pursuit of living in the simplicity of continuous deepening of awareness."

More about Michał and his work can be found here:

FB: Igosystem
YT: https://youtube.com/@I_GO_SYSTEM
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/igosystem/

Piotr Matłok

"Ceremony of the Pipe, Sweat Lodge Ceremony, Bear Dance"

Piotr about the ceremonies he will lead:

"The Sweat Lodge is an ancient ceremony during which participants have the opportunity to cleanse their body and mind while simultaneously connecting with a higher power to express their intentions and prayers. The transmission for this ceremony was received from the Ceremonial Chief of the Blackfeet.

Although I transmit the ceremony in an unchanged form, I consider it as a tool for working with the Spirits of our land rather than an import of beliefs from North America to our continent. Here, we deal with different energies and spirits than on Turtle Island (as the natives call North America). The same applies to the Pipe Ceremony. It is an opportunity for self-understanding and connecting with oneself, sending prayers and desires out into the world."


"I am Piotr - Lightbringer. By profession, I am a Civil Engineering Engineer. Currently, together with my wife Ania, I run a farm, and we open this space for developmental workshops and ceremonies. With passion, I create ethnic instruments such as flutes, drums, and rattles.

I am raising eight children, actively involved as an instructor in the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP), and a guardian for Aleksij from Ukraine. My passions include music, sailing, leading initiation and developmental processes. For many years, I have attentively walked my circle of life. My (deceased in 2020) Master and Friend, Dr. David Thomson, taught me this sensitivity, and his teachings, thanks to their immense versatility, are still relevant to me.

In 2019, I was entrusted with the trust of Ceremonial Chief of the Blackfeet, Keith Chiefmoon (Onistaya Kopi). He passed on to me a series of ceremonies to serve people using pure indigenous traditions on our land. Men's circles are an opportunity for me to dive deeper into my practices and support others in their processes."

More about Piotr can be found here:
FB: Lightbringer - flutemaker
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@piotrmatlok6020/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/lightbringerflutemaker/



Marcin about the ceremonies he will lead:

The life of an individual is the life of their body. And since a living body contains mind, spirit, and soul, life consists of mental and spiritual life as well as the life of the soul. If we lack something in these aspects of existence, it is because we are not fully in our bodies or with them. We treat the body as a tool or a machine, knowing that when it breaks down, we have trouble. But the same can be said for a car, on which we depend so much.

We do not identify with our bodies; in fact, we have betrayed them (…). This betrayal is the source of all our personal difficulties, and I also believe that most of our social problems have a similar origin." - Alexander Lowen

As men, we often reside in our heads like an excavator operator, trying to control our bodies like a machine. We only pay attention to it during a breakdown. The rest of the time, it should function, transport us to chosen places, lift things, endure stress, bad food, and fatigue.

We escape from contact with our bodies, become rigid, forget, and freeze feelings. Blocked feelings were meant to protect us from threatening experiences or an excess of sensations that we couldn't contain. Now, these defenses restrict us, paradoxically making difficult experiences even more challenging. One cannot only shut out difficult experiences; the freezing and blocking also affect the feelings of pleasure, love, and happiness.

We need more embodiment! Consistent with our male identity, enabling flexible responses to what life brings. It is possible to relearn this, remind ourselves, and make our bodies feel at home.

Bioenergetic Analysis is an approach that helps a person restore their body and derive satisfaction from experiencing it. In practice, for most people, bodily functions like breathing, movement, sensing, and self-expression are more or less limited or hidden, forgotten, or denied. We limit our body's life. This doesn't happen voluntarily; it's the result of many environmental and cultural conditioning. Limitations serve survival in an environment that rejects the values of the body in favor of power, prestige, and possession. Usually, we are not aware of the painful limitations in the functioning of our bodies, the habitual restrictions that have become our second nature. Most people go through life to a small extent participating in the exchange of energy and feelings.

The sad everyday reality involves shielding, armoring, mistrust, and closing within ourselves. We do this to protect ourselves from a blow, prevent suffering. However, this ultimately results in embedding rigid ways of functioning into the character structure, causing even more suffering. The armor, instead of defending, becomes a prison. These defenses need to be understood and released from their stiffness to achieve the goal of a happy and fulfilling life.

The goal of Bioenergetic Analysis is to help people regain freedom, grace, and beauty - attributes of the original human nature. They lead to opening up to life and love. We need this openness - going through life with a closed heart is like sailing through the ocean spending all the time in the ship's hold, below deck. We move, but the beauty and richness of life become inaccessible to us. Bioenergetics is about discovering oneself. What sets it apart from other paths is its pursuit of understanding personality in terms of the human body.

What you can gain by participating:

  • Improved awareness of your body, 'reclaiming' parts of your body,
  • more peace and composure, better grounding in reality, practical ways to deal with anxiety and stress,
  • regaining connection to the internal source of strength that empowers you to defend, say NO, reach for what you want and need, and say YES to life.

Come! Together with the students of the School of Men's Groups, we will create a safe space for experiencing the body and the emotions that flow from it."


MARCIN POĆWIARDOWSKI - psychologist, psychotherapist, trainer, and mentor.
I lead developmental workshops for men under the brands: LOWEN for MEN - intensive body work, School of Kings - work with archetypal qualities of masculinity.

I have created the School of Men's Groups, which educates in the field of leading men's circles and workshops designed for men, constructed with consideration of group dynamics and incorporating various methods of working with the body (Lowen's method, psychodrama, breath exercises).

I work as a psychotherapist for 14 years. I completed a four-year psychotherapeutic training in Bioenergetic Analysis (Lowen's method) at the Florida Society for Bioenergetics Analysis. I have the credentials to facilitate exercise groups. I have also undergone several years of training in integrative psychotherapy and Gestalt. I have several hundred hours of personal therapy. Currently, I am in the final year of a three-year postgraduate Core Training course in ISTDP (Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy) under the guidance of Jon Frederickson from the Washington ISTDP Institute.

I am a lover of various forms of movement. I dance (intuitive dances, 5 Rhythms, Movement Medicine), I practice massage (Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Nui massage). For eight years, I have been training in the martial art of Zhong Xin Dao."

More about Marcin and his work can be found here:

FB: Marcin Poćwiardowski
WWW: https://marcinpocwiardowski.com/

Mikołaj Szerment

Playfight - the art of connection

Mikołaj about his performance:

"Imagine embodying your primal nature with all that it entails: instinct, wildness, and deep connection. Envision conscious interaction with another human being from that very place.

Playfight is a rediscovery of the beauty of physical play, just as animals and children do. It is a journey into authentic relationship with your own fear, incorporating the power of your body and the gentleness of your heart into the contact. It is a primal, profound form of communication with yourself and others, engaging you wholly.

This is an opportunity to nourish your body, develop emotional intelligence, and discover the strength of connection. All of this unfolds in a safe circle that holds, supports, and accepts you as you are.

Feel the beauty and freedom of being human!"


"I am a doctor, specializing in Family Medicine and Lifestyle Medicine. A fulfilled father. Aspiring to heal holistically for many years, I organize camps and workshops, and conduct individual sessions where I combine my medical knowledge with years of movement and psychological experience.

My main intention is to help live in health and fulfill one's potential through comprehensive changes in daily behaviors and building connections with oneself, others, nature, and the world. I use tools such as Movement, Playfight, Qi Gong, Possibility Management, Conscious Play, Adventure Therapy, or Experiential Learning. For the past 3 years, I have been studying and practicing Playfight with passion directly from the source, Matteo Tangi, and proudly spreading it in Poland for a year."

For more about Mikołaj and his work, you can find it

FB: Mikołaj Szerment - Medycyna Stylu Życia
INST: https://www.instagram.com/dr.szerment
WWW: https://mikolajszerment.mystrikingly.com/

Ratownik Medyczny Tomasz Modrzewski

"Man as a Patient - Authentic Stories"

Tomasz about his performance:

The Man as a Patient - Authentic Stories" is an anonymous analysis of the most common, interesting, and amusing cases involving men that I have had the opportunity to assist. During the lecture, I will present the most common health and life-threatening conditions for which men end up in the hospital. I will discuss the journey from home to the hospital room, highlighting essential information regarding collaboration with the Emergency Medical Team and the principles of providing first aid. The lecture will be conducted in a casual manner, combining public health topics with authentic examples drawn from real life.


"Medical rescuer Tomasz Modrzewski, currently associated with the Regional Specialist Hospital in Grudziądz (the highest level reference hospital), works both in the Hospital Emergency Department and in Emergency Medical Teams.

He is a pharmaceutical technician with 10 years of experience working in a pharmacy. He completed master's studies in Public Health, specializing in Emergency Medicine and Crisis Management at the Medical University of Łódź.

For the past 8 years, he has been leading various educational projects both in Poland and abroad, such as the First Aid Course for off-road vehicle drivers, Medical-Survival Training, First Aid Course for adults, and First Aid for Children."

For more information about Tomasz and his work, you can find it here.

FB: Ratownik Medyczny Tomasz Modrzewski

Wojciech Wieconkowski

"The Warrior's Greatest Love - a tale of the Medicine Wheel - or the relationship with the Circle of Life."

Wojciech about his performance:

"Empathic Communication Workshop for all those who are seeking ways to improve and streamline communication with themselves and others. We all communicate with each other mutually. This communication is not always easy. Often we experience a lack of understanding, or we ourselves cannot understand ourselves and the other person.

Sometimes our communication is a challenge because in moments of conflict, when there are a lot of emotions involved, it is difficult for us to convey what we really need, and it is also difficult for us to hear the other person.

NVC - Nonviolent Communication, a method created by Marshall Rosenberg, comes to the rescue. It is based on communicating with people in a way that contributes to improving the quality of life, both for ourselves and others. The method focuses on emotions and needs. The essence of Nonviolent Communication is: a focus on observation, naming feelings, expressing needs, seeking the best possible strategy to satisfy the need - ours or the other person's.

By applying this approach, you can more easily build close relationships, be in better contact with yourself and with the other person. You will also learn to resolve conflicts. This communication style allows us to express ourselves honestly without fear of hurting anyone, and at the same time, it enables us to receive others empathetically. These are incredibly valuable skills that prove helpful in communication with oneself, loved ones, and in business relationships."


"Wojciech Wieconkowski - by education, an Ethnologist, a Sound Alchemist, a dedicated traveler on the path of human growth, and a student of archaic wisdom in the journey of self-discovery. For over 20 years, he has delved into the mystical traditions of various cultures, particularly shamanism and working with plant teachers.

He shares his experiences through sweat lodge ceremonies, the initiatory process of the Birth of the Medicine Drum, as well as concerts and meetings in sound serving transformation and expanding consciousness. Additionally, periodically, along with his partner, he organizes Medicine trips to Ecuador.

As the founder of Metaphoric Tools, a workshop where he crafts shamanic drums, love flutes, and other instruments that serve to open the heart and attune to the universal dance of life. He is the initiator and co-creator of the Garden of Creation, a magical place in the heart of the Tricity - a space for the renewal of the spirit and growth in the integrity of the human Heart."

For more about Wojciech and his work, you can find it
FB: Metaphoric Tools
FB: Ogród Kreacji
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/metaphorictools/
WWW: https://www.metaphorictools.co.uk
WWW: https://www.ogrodkreacji.pl
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC040sj7A9IhvgdZmTqCx0uQ

Bartosz Zadurski

Empathic communication with oneself and others.

Bartosz about his performance:

"Workshop on Empathic Communication for all those seeking better, more efficient communication with themselves and others. We all communicate with each other. This communication doesn't always proceed easily. We often experience a lack of understanding, or we ourselves are unable to understand ourselves and the other person.

Sometimes, our communication becomes a challenge, especially in moments of conflict when emotions run high. It becomes difficult to convey what we truly need, and it's also hard for us to hear the other person.

NVC - Nonviolent Communication, a method created by Marshall Rosenberg, comes to the rescue. It is a communication method where we contribute to improving the quality of life for ourselves and others. The method focuses on emotions and needs. The essence of Nonviolent Communication is an orientation towards observation, naming feelings, expressing needs, and seeking the best possible strategy to satisfy the need—whether ours or the other person's.

By applying this approach, you can more easily build close relationships, be in better contact with yourself and with others. You will also learn to resolve conflicts. This method of communication allows us to express ourselves honestly without the fear of hurting others and, on the other hand, to empathically perceive others. These are incredibly valuable skills that prove helpful in communication with oneself, loved ones, as well as in business relationships."


"Bartosz Zadurski – IFS Practitioner, empathic communication trainer, TRE® provider, and Structural Integration therapist. Founder of Soma – Development and Therapy, organizer of the Festival of Conscious Bodywork and the Festival of Good Relationships. Host of the podcast about the body, emotions, and therapy called 'Zadurski Speaks.' His holistic approach combines body, mind, and soul, forming the basis of his work.

He is a passionate advocate of movement, dance, and psychosomatics, exploring the connections between the mind and body. He has been a speaker at various conferences and festivals, including TEDx Gdynia, Festival of Conscious Bodywork, Green Circles - Shamanic festival of consciousness development, Vibrations Festival, Symbiosis Festival, I Love You Festival, Food & Health Conference, and the Alternative Knowledge Convention."

More about Bartosz and his work can be found here:

FB: Bartosz Zadurski
WWW: https://zadurski.com/
INST: Instagram.com/bartosz.zadurski
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5SQ6XngugidXgUGLlmAPvM

Taimana (Manaaki) MOU SING

Haka Māori, Soamako, Haka o Mō'iri

Mana about his performance:

"Working with Polynesian dances, rituals, ceremonies, gatherings, always includes working with the "Mana" (energy), the "Aroha" (love) and "Autahi" (unity). It also calls for the balance between the male mana and the female mana to be fully complete and feel real strength. Performing any Polynesian dances will require both mana (female and male) to awaken the guardian inside of us.

We shall work with Polynesian breathing techniques, give tribute to the sun in the morning by the edge of a water place. Working with the "Mana" will increase stamina, following the "Aroha" path will fortify connection between men and nature, so we can recite "Karakia" (chanting) that will reinforce the unity.

To achieve all the above, we will feel the power of the Haka Māori, the subtle strength of joy of the Soamako from Wallis and Futuna and the steady "Mana" of the Haka o Mō'iri (boar dance) from Raromata’i.

Polynesian rituals and dances invite people to connect/reconnect with Nature, enhance and enjoy the power of Mother Earth and all creatures living upon her. As for Polynesians, we are born as guardians of the land, we are nature and by honouring nature, we give tribute to our ancestors and ensure a future for the next generations. "


"Mana comes from the vast Pacific Ocean and is grateful for his heritage from different parts of Polynesia, Ma’ohi (tahitian) clans and Maori tribes. He became a kaitiaki (guardian) of Polynesian cultures, protecting the different heritage of Polynesia, showing the right way and path of performing them and helping people reconnect to their roots with the knowledge of his land.

He was born on the sacred island of Raiatea, legendary Hawaiki Nui in the Polynesian mythology. He grew up close to his grandparents, learning about traditional practices and medicine, customs, and Polynesian spirituality. In November 2022, his grandmother named him "Tia’i", protector of his heritage, ready to take over her work as well as hope for the survival of native traditions."

Before we meet with Mana at the festival, we warmly invite you to the upcoming workshop led by Him, which will take place on May 27-28 in Warsaw. There, you will have the opportunity to benefit from the knowledge I impart and experience the incredible power of traditional Haka firsthand. More information can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/s/hula-and-haka-warsztaty-tanecz/908028833838206/

See you!

Phao Sanato

Songs of the Soul - Voice Liberation Workshop

Phao about his performance:

"Holistic workshop for unlocking the true potential of your Voice.

The workshop takes a holistic approach and will consist of two parts. In the first part, we will focus on breath and movement. We will explore how our breath behaves in unpredictable conditions and uncover any emotions we unconsciously store in our bodies.

In the second part, we will use various singing techniques and voice emission to work with emotions. Using intuitive tools, we will work with melodies, rhythm, and harmony building. In the end, we will apply the acquired tools to transform emotions into music and expression."


"Singer, vocal coach, multi-instrumentalist, and music producer. Music runs in his veins. Present since childhood, it allows him to decorate time, express emotions, and be a remedy for the soul.

He has been working with his voice since the age of seven when he started his education in music school. His favorite creative tool is the voice, but he is equally adept at playing the guitar, live looping, keyboards, and the groovebox.

He has released 3 albums and has performed in over a hundred venues and festivals in Europe, Asia, and Morocco. A graduate of the jazz music school named after Krzysztof Komeda. Co-creator of projects: Makiwara (lyrics, vocals, arrangement) and Gaja (guitar, arrangement, composition, production). Since the summer of 2022, he has been pursuing a solo career."

For more information about Phao, his work, and creativity, you can find it here.

FB: Phao Sanato
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/phao_sanato/
Live set: https://on.soundcloud.com/gRWXs
Występ na Poland Rock 2022 (Woodstock): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpcGbYBYlmE

Robert Rient

"Power and Love - a shamanic perspective"

Robert about his performance:

"My Power only mine - my love for all. A living lecture where I will take you on a journey from power to love. On the shamanic path, one should not share their power but rather use it. On the other hand, love can be given to all without losing anything. We will focus on the power of loving everyone with the same love, but not loving everyone in the same way.

Confusing power with love ends in immense harm both in personal life and on the path of those leading circles, ceremonies, rituals, consultations, and other forms of working with people.

Healing shamanism is a space full of power and filled with intentions, where there is no room for the slightest struggle. Healing shamanism is the ability to open and close doors and recognize what is between them."


"Robert Rient - shaman, dancer, educator, writer, journalist. The initiator of recognizing the Odra River as a legal person and establishing the Odra Tribe. Author of books such as 'Plant Visions, or Fifty Medicinal Plants and One Mushroom,' 'Glimpse. Around the world - around oneself,' and the novel 'Jeremi's Ghosts.'

He conducts basic courses in shamanic practice for beginners and advanced students, the School of Shamanism, workshops on reclaiming lost parts of oneself, individual consultations, healing rituals, ITO - Intuitive Dance of Stories ceremonies, and shamanic ceremonies.

He is the host of the 'Quiet Love' podcast dedicated to shamanic practice. He regularly collaborates with the magazine 'Sens,' describing therapeutic methods of working with the body, emotions, and spirit each month."

For more information about Robert and his work, you can find here:

WWW: www.robertrient.pl
FB: https://www.facebook.com/Rient.Robert/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDrvqVKl2cYeOw-esfyhRrQ
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/robert.rient/
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/5XouozoMWNIMHcegEyq4nU

Kuba Bania Izbicki

Transformation of Aggression

Kuba about his performance:

"We have a serious problem with anger, wrath, and aggression as expressions of these emotions. Depending on the patterns we inherited from home or learned to flaunt with these emotions and throw them out at every turn, or we have renounced them (along with our life energy) and transferred them to the area of suppression and repression.

Each of these two methods has its high cost. Throwing these emotions out destroys our relationships and makes us increasingly angry and aggressive over time. Suppressing these emotions, on the other hand, results in illnesses, detachment from the source of our life energy, and the expression of anger in the form of passive aggression. We may not be aware of this passive form of aggression ourselves, but it is clearly felt by our environment, thus destroying our relationships.

Fortunately, there is a third approach to this issue. Very effective but less widespread. It involves expanding our Presence to be able to contain the immense strong energies that come with encountering these emotions.

Then, we properly ground ourselves and allow these strong energies to pass through us until there is a noticeable transformation in the body and the entire system. The result is a constructive handling of anger and wrath emotions while simultaneously regaining access to our life energy, which we can now invest in any forms of the creative pursuits that interest us.

In addition to working with anger, the workshop will begin with a Presence practice in 3 steps, which is a fundamental quality of mature masculinity. We will also work on mutual regaining of trust in the masculine element, which is an essential element of nourishing ourselves in the masculine part of the lineage we come from."


"Kuba Bania Izbicki. Professionally a psychologist, trainer, and holistic therapist. Passionately an unwavering seeker of ways to human fulfillment.

He works workshop and therapy with the method of Holistic Reintegration, which constitutes a coherent, comprehensive system of working with a person, combining modern academic knowledge with unconventional methods from streams organized around the 8 main areas of our human nature.

He is a typical example of the archetype of the Wounded Healer, who has undergone a long and difficult path of personal transformation. From a place where his own trauma burdens and completely takes away the will to live, to a place where it becomes a processed gift and resources to share and work with another human being.

After a period of admiration and disappointment with the scientific achievements of the Western world, for over 20 years he has been following the path of embodied spirituality in the non-dual and tantric stream. In his work, he combines a broad approach from spirit to body, from mind to emotions, from the system of origin to personal patterns of burdens and possibilities, from bioenergetics to the inner purpose ensuring life fulfillment.

He finds artistic self-realization by photographing the human movement in the process of awakening."

More about Kuba and his work can be found here.

FB: @[100070176481190:2048:http://xn--wpeni-m7a.com/]
WWW: https://wPelni.com
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@wPelni_com/videos

Tomasz Eichelberger

"Qi Gong. Mężczyzna w Harmonii."

Tomasz about his performance:

"Qigong forms the foundation of any bodywork, energy work, and martial arts practice. It encompasses all levels of human life (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual).

In practice, Qi Gong means working with life energy, exercising life force.

The beginnings in these practices are challenging. In simple exercises, we become aware of how much tension we hold within ourselves (and that it directs our lives), but the effect of this encounter is most valuable – relief. Finally, someone takes us seriously and teaches us how to practically deal with life's challenges; we unlearn stress as a life strategy. With practice, we become natural and creative.

Qi Gong is about uniting opposites, not about their struggle. It shows how perfectly they complement each other – yin and yang – the dark and the light, directed inward and outward, night and day, feminine and masculine, work and rest. What makes it possible for me to surf smoothly on this YinYang wave? A strong center. Want to check the condition of your center and work on it?

This is Qi Gong of the water tradition – relief for overstimulated nervous systems and a path to harmony for open-minded people. I'm also happy to share how it translates into relationships, sex, and professional fulfillment."


"Qi Gong and internal martial arts teacher on the Path of Dao.

A graduate of the University of Physical Education. Over the years, he delved into the Feldenkrais method, functional training, and mindfulness.

For many years, under the guidance of his teacher Ron Timm, he has been practicing and teaching Qi Gong, Ba Gua, and Tai Chi.

Co-creator of many projects with In the Ground Movement, the Institute of Psychoimmunology, and the Center for Integral Psychotherapy."

More about Tomasz and his work can be found here:
WWW: https://path-of-dao-qigong.ch/pl/
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/pathofdaoqigong/
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/tomekeichelberger/
FB: Path of Dao Polska / Ścieżka Tao - Qi Gong Ron Timm

Tymoteusz Niemiec

Do Prawdy przez Strach

Tymoteusz about his performance:

"Truth - a voice flowing from the heart, from that place where there is no fear. Fear, the guardian of that place where the truth resides - protects against the repeated experience of the wounds that each of us carries within. What am I afraid of, and what is my truth today, now?

Using tools from Possibility Management, gestalt, and my experience, we will look fear in the eyes - with love, lightness, and discipline. We will encounter our stories about ourselves to decide whether we want to carry them forward or change them.

Am I taking full responsibility for my life, or am I a victim of a weave of fortunate and unfortunate events? We will bid farewell to certain stories and attachments to enter the NEW with love, in connection with the inner fire."


"Passionate about life and freedom in their most personal and masculine aspects. I lead the project 'Masculine Side of Emotions,' where I delve into topics of masculinity in today's world, relationships (both male and female-male), as well as masculine psychology and development.

I regularly organize men's circles in Katowice and conduct workshops on self-relationship for men. I am a first-year student at the Institute of Integral Gestalt Psychotherapy in Krakow. In my work, I use tools from Possibility Management, Gestalt, Shamanism, and my own experience."

WWW: www.meskastronaemocji.pl
FB: Męska Strona Emocji
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/meskastronaemocji.pl/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@meskastronaemocji

Marcel Bird Wieteska

Integral Yoga

Marcel about his performance:

"Practical classes combining various forms of yoga: Hatha, Kundalini, Power Yoga, and conscious breathwork to support the integration of body, mind, and spirit. It involves grounding in the body through asanas and nourishing the physical body with prana.

The practice will strengthen and make our body and mind more flexible, considering them as inseparable parts of our physical aspect connected to the omnipresent energy. The practice is conducted with great mindfulness and a sense of humor, as I believe that everything should be a good time, not another intense endeavor, but rather a joyful experience, avoiding unnecessary tension and pushing ourselves beyond limits at every level."


"Father of the wonderful son Rafael, Life Enthusiast, Traveler. Explored over 50 countries. Creator (Dreamer and Fulfiller). He completed studies in Physiotherapy and Film Directing, and for over 20 years, he has been involved in bodywork. A personal trainer, yoga teacher, masseur, and BMS (BodyMindSpirit) therapist.

Since 2012, he has been running an individual practice of Conscious Life 'SENSELIBRIUM – to balance your Life,' supporting conscious development in harmony. Creator of the YODAME yoga dance meditation practice. He trained in India, South America, London, and Poland in the paths of Yoga, Tantra, Shamanism, Conscious Breathing, Sufism, and many other enriching aspects of conscious living.

In his work, he combines experience from many life fields, intuition, and the path of an open heart. Returning to oneself, to nature, to the heart is the main mission of his life and work with people. He conducts workshops and circles for Men and Women. He often collaborates with other teachers, creating new projects that support and inspire change. He conducts workshops and classes for companies live and online.

Through the experiences of a challenging childhood, he has traversed a difficult path in seeking himself, love, and joy in life. Often called a 'renaissance man' by close ones, as he believes that life is too beautiful and interesting to stick to one beaten path. Numerological eight from the Fire Dragon lineage."

More about Marcel and his work can be found here.


WWW: www.marcelbird.com
FB: Senselibrium - to balance your life
FB: Męskie BYCIE


Sajti & Pachamama Band

Camino Rojo del Corazon

Sajti about his performance:

"The Pachamama Band plays amazonian shamanic songs with our own additinal flawors. The group started with friendships from different rituals, and we wished to represent not only music, but a whole culture behind it, something real. The formation is fluid, we have different "festival versions" too with local friends, in the hope we can do something unique.

In the years we added own songs, in your magic polish language too. Beside we sing spanish, portugese, and few native languages too. There is no band without audience, who we prefer to call participants, and create something together."

"My journey with leading circles started 12-13 years before, I learned different healing technics from my native teachers. Music and sounds were always important in my life. My path with music started 28 years before as a young metal fan. Ceremonial music I play for 12-13 years. Also I done a private school with art-therapy with groups, what helped me to do my music meditations and different healing circles. With our Pachamama band we done many concerts, basicly in Hungary (where we are from), and I also spent many times in the last ten years in Poland when I got to know the local vibe, what I felt in love with. We played a bunch of festivals too, where people are concious, motivated to get to know themselves more. Music can be fun, relax, hanging out with friends, but also healing, acompanion to get to know ourselves more. I came from a herbalist family, what gave me a strong connection (and knowledge) about nature, about traditional healing methods. Recently I live in a forest." You can find Sajtiego and his work here: SC: https://soundcloud.com/caminorojo

Huitzomitl Tattooing

Temazcal, Aztec Dance, Indigeneus Ceremonial Tattooing

Huitzomitl about his work:

"Temazcal - Temazcal is a purification rite and is necessary in order to facilitate a kind of spiritual rebirth. A physical representation of our great mother’s womb is created in sacred space using ancient methods and ritual. By stepping into the womb like heated structure we can let go of what is no longer needed on a physical, mental and spiritual level. Sitting and breathing with transformation and alchemising it all within our magnificent containers and the elements, it cleanses your body and can be also psychedelic.

Aztec dance - The Dance represents the eternal search of man for cosmic harmony and integration, both of his body and his spirit. All the chants of Aztec Dance ritual refer to this essential process.The Aztec Dance has been referred to as a form of prayer and a total way of life and communication. Each routine reflects the duality of the Aztec culture. With women, the night, the jaguar and the earth on one side. With men, the day, the eagle and water on the other, it keeps you really focused on the dance steps and relaxed with concentration, maintains you fit with the exercise and at the end, give me a really happy endorphins liberation.

Indigenous ceremonial tattooing - it’s a traditional indigenous ceremony and offering, where you get a design tattooed on your skin, to represent a change, get some protection or change something in your life, everything carried in the traditional way, but with all the higiene and safety of the Tattoo industry."


"Huitzomitl, originally from Mexico, is a tattoo and a body modification artist living in New York City and London.

Huitzomitl has been involved in his community through traditional medicine and indigenous ceremonies. His indigenous lifestyle has been passed down to him through his family from a young age. Huitzomitl believes that the culture is an integral part of building a harmonious society.

Huitzomitl also works with different artists groups around the world doing art exhibitions, events, illustrations and traditional arts.

He has being researching the Mexican Traditional Tattoo techniques for more than 9 years and professionally tattooing for 20 years applying the findings of his research to his tattoo and body modification practice.

Huitzomitl is using all this knowledge from the research to empower different communities he is working with around the world. Integrating traditional ceremonies with body modification. Making the connection Between modern and the traditional body art, thereby connecting body art to its origins."

More about Huitzomitlu and his work can be found here:

FB: Huitzomitl Tattooing
INSTA: Instagram.com/Huitzomitl

Michał Shootman Majewski

"The Open Heart of a Man - Journey Through the Male Perspective of Parenthood"

Michał about his encounter:

"I would like to share with you one of the most significant processes that have occurred in my life over the past 4 years. It's a journey in which I am constantly learning. I will talk about my life project of conscious Family, about meeting the woman of my life, and the birth of two children who came into the world in our home.

I want to share the story of finding myself and integrating the process of becoming a parent. About emotional turbulence in the early days, months, and years of caring for children. I will talk about life with them, about becoming a father, but also about the difficulties in dealing with crises, differences, and conflicts in the relationship. Through the prism of my experience, as a man, a boy, a dad, a lover, and a son, I will bring closer what young fathers are struggling with.

I feel that we men still repress too much, escape. We share too little openly with other men about what is difficult, uncomfortable for us... about what touches us deeply, you know how it is...

▪️ How about you?
▪️ At my place...? Oh, thanks... everything's great... I repressed it.

I invite you to the tender story of a man who, becoming a father, softens the hardest armor and generationally built shells of male invincibility."


"For 18 years, I have been representing visual artists in the creative and media industry. I run my own photo and video production house, SHOOTME.PL. Life is a playground for creativity for me, and its source is the relationship with oneself.

For about 8 years, I have been exploring myself through contact with nature, bodywork, including regular trips to the Amazon/Peru, and shamanic practices in the spirit of the Shipibo-Conibo tribes.

👨‍👩‍👧Currently, the most powerful teacher on my spiritual path is my family, the relationship with a beloved woman, and our three children."

INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/shootman/

Interview with SHOOTMAN in Wysokie Obcasy - Men's Ending 'Being a Tough Guy Behind Bars Doesn't Work'

Shootman Majewski on conscious fatherhood, mindfulness, and surrender: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dF3gEq0GGns

Łukasz Gołoś

"Journey to the Future, a discourse on planning, prediction, and anticipation."

Łukasz about his encounter:

"Never before in human history has the reality we live in changed so rapidly. Our childhood was immersed in analog tapes, and now we live in a digital world, soon to be followed by the reality of artificial intelligence and climate disruptions.

There is a well-founded scientific theory that one of the key characteristics that gave our species an advantage was (and is) the ability to plan and predict reality. Tradition suggests that these skills are more characteristic of men.

Currently, such a thinking style is both important and very difficult to shape. It is challenging because reality is changing rapidly, and also because the media (especially social media) affect only our experiencing self, which does not plan at all.

"In each of us, there are two wolves. Each of us has two brains," wrote Marcin Napiórkowski in 'Fixing the Future.' Daniel Kahneman in the book 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' describes them as follows: the experiencing self, trapped in the present, feels pain and pleasure; the remembering self collects information, forms theories, compares data, faces complex and long-term challenges. Note that practically all significant things in our lives require planning: building a house, a longer journey, plans in relationships, professional goals, and desires.

In the meeting, I will invite participants on a journey to the future. Together, we will reflect on how the Earth might look in a few or a dozen years and how we want to appear then. I will encourage focusing on the remembering self, taking a moment to detach from the "present," treating it only as a base to launch thoughts into the future, to capture the function of the mind that helps in planning and predicting our surroundings. To play with heuristics. See you there!"


"Organizer of the Vibration Festival, an archaeologist and journalist by education, a hobbyist traveler, filmmaker, and enthusiast of traditional Polish vegetarian cuisine. He cheers for scientists working on connecting the standard model of quantum mechanics with the theory of relativity. Supports gravity and common sense. He lacks time for regular updates on his Facebook profile, preferring real-life experiences."

Here you can read articles and other materials written by Łukasz:


FB: Wibracje Festiwal
FB: Alchemista

See you!

Kamil Lelonek

"10 mistakes that make you stop being a man, or how you lose testosterone."

Kamil about his encounter:

"Testosterone, a crucial hormone for men, plays an irreplaceable role in their lives. It is thanks to its appropriate levels that you can effectively build your muscles, feel confident, and maintain unwavering decisiveness. High testosterone levels also impact motivation, libido, and physical fitness.

Unfortunately, there are increasingly more factors that contribute to the reduction of this hormone's levels. In this lecture, you will discover the 10 most common mistakes that undermine your masculinity. You will learn what not to do and how to change your habits to regain vigor and enhance performance. You will realize that with a few simple tricks, you can achieve much more. If you are committed to long-lasting results, want to reclaim your masculinity, and are ready for change, this lecture is precisely for you."


"Kamil Lelonek: founder of Hack Your Brain, a programmer with a double engineering degree from Wrocław University of Science and Technology. He works as a Technical Team Leader and manager in the IT industry, which gives him a profound understanding of the issues and needs of individuals in this environment, working mentally in the most demanding positions.

He completed nutritional studies at the University of Copenhagen (Master of Science in Human Nutrition) and postgraduate studies in psychodietetics at SWPS University in Wrocław. He is interested in medicine, neurobiology, brain chemistry, and is involved in the broad optimization of mental performance.

Since 2015, he has been helping entrepreneurs, managers, and IT industry professionals improve their well-being, ensure a high, consistent, and lasting level of energy, and achieve better results in their professional lives."

More about Kamil and his work can be found here."

WWW: https://hackyourbrain.pl/
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/kamillelonek/
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/hackyourbrainpl/
TT: https://www.tiktok.com/@hackyourbrainpl
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@HackYourBrainPL/


Filip Filipiuk

"Krąg Pieśni Serca"

Filip about his encounter:

"Heart songs and power music have served as medicine for the soul and body since time immemorial. Mantras, prayers, and songs of this kind have been sung with the intention of purifying the body and soul from heaviness and illness. They are also sung with the intention of transforming obstructive thoughts and emotions such as fear, guilt, sadness, powerlessness, anger, and despair into positive emotions: joy, trust, peace, love, gratitude, thus restoring balance at every level of human existence.

Heart songs carry the known truths and wisdom of our ancestors, which have been forgotten or pushed to the margins by contemporary civilization trends. Through intentions, the vibrations of music, and information conveyed through words, the knowledge recorded in our genes returns to us—the knowledge of our ancestors about the order of the Universe, the human role in it, and responsibility.

Songs of power carry extraordinary amounts of love, joy, hope, light, and space. They support both spirit and body, serving as a connection between the divine and earthly elements. They remind us that our lives and hearts exist between Earth and Heaven, containing complementary and supportive energies. Songs of power activate vibrations in the body that invite us to dance and express the joyful energy of existence originating from love.

Together, we will ignite the energy of these songs to flow together on the waves of their vibrations. Prints of the lyrics will be provided for participants."


"I am an artist, musician, visionary, and builder. In my daily life, I am involved in creating a beautiful space in the Izerskie Mountains - 'Świat Nasz' - where, together with my partner Iwonka, we invite guests to experience simple and magical existence in nature, to feel deep peace, and to unite with Mother Earth. For ten years, I have been working with Plant Medicines in the traditions of North and South America. This is a path of endless learning, constant self-discovery, and growth to become a better version of myself.

I am a member of the international Mamalacta Orchestra, which plays music for outdoor Star Dance ceremonies. For five years, I have been regularly leading Sweatlodge Ceremonies, thanks to the blessing I received from my teacher, a medicine woman from Ecuador - Carmen Vicente, after completing a Vision Quest (4-, 7-, 9-, and 13-day solo retreats in the mountains). Since my youth, I have been practicing Tibetan Buddhism.

Music has been present in my life for as long as I can remember. I am a multi-instrumentalist and vocalist. Together with Ania Buczek, I form the Cantarsis band singing medicine songs. My heart is filled with gratitude that I can share sounds filled with love and intention, illuminating darkness and balancing energy inside and outside."

More about Filip can be found here:

FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100041946136648
FB: https://www.facebook.com/swiecienasz

Leo Mross

Wild Hearts - Dzikie Serca

Leo about his encounter:

"One of the ways to understand and embody our power, authenticity, masculinity, and to open up to our beautiful core that we carry inside, our center, our creativity, and sexuality, is through WILDNESS. Wildness is something that has been strongly repressed in contemporary culture, disconnecting us from our animal roots. By returning to wildness, we can connect with the primal energies within us, with our animal nature, with our strength, with the freedom of expression, the powerful raw energy of the body, release our body, voice, vibration, and touch and initiate the transformation of what is blocked within us. When we express our wildness, our main themes, energies we carry, programs, spirits, ancestral traumas that limit us quickly reveal themselves.

We will meet in a healing circle. I will share with you my journey to wildness, to my core, to the source of power, love, strength, and truth. In the midst of it will be a free space where I will invite one of you, who will represent all the men in our meeting, as well as the male collective of the world. I will work with him using what I call INTUITIVE HEALING. It is a mix of dance, sound emission (turning into a living Didgeridoo), shamanic practices, spiritual healing, authentic communication, healing theater, in total surrender and leading of the Spirit. When the voice of freedom of one brother resonates, we will feel a wave of energy on which we will flow into collective expression. We will conclude our circle with a story and prayer."


"Lion in the heart, Intuitive Dancer, Teacher of inner transformation, Space Holder for Healing Circles, Shaman, Storyteller, Healer.

Holding the medicine of the wild heart.

Creator of the Intuitive Healing and Multidimensional Healing methods.

Creator and leader of workshops, retreats, and initiatory journeys exploring the medicine of intuitive movement, authentic heart communication, deep intuitive healing, and the freedom of self-expression. Dedicated to working with the sacred medicine of the Ayahuasca jungle. For years, he has organized initiatory plant medicine journeys in Peru.

Teacher of healers, supporting the activation of healing abilities. Creator of the Multidimensional & Intuitive Healing School.

A traveler who has explored a large part of the world, lived for an extended period in Peru and India.

He learned from many curanderos (healers, energy surgeons) in the jungle and the Himalayas. Psychologist and therapist."

More about Leo can be found here:

INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/____leo________mross/

Richard Sion RA Windelov

Whole Man

Richard about his encounter:

"Meeting, embracing and integrating All of who we are.

To Be a Whole Man in this World, To Be The Being that we are, is a journey. This workshop can help you to step-up to a new level of embodied living. We will work and play with 4 different aspects of Being. The Light Masculine, The Dark Masculine, The Light Feminine, The Dark Feminine. To Be aware of these parts of life, and to make peace with them and get them working together as a healthy team. A fun and Empowering Experience of mind and heart opening aspects of Being a Human Man. Then we will bring it all together, into The Union, Oneness, The Wholeness.

▪️ We will Be working with Shamanic, Tantric energy in a safe honourable flow.
▪️ Healing for Inner and outer Relationships.
▪️ Support for The Man you are.
▪️ Heal The Separation wound.
▪️ Return to Innocence and Power.
▪️ Connect with who you really are."


"Richard Sion Ra Windelov was born in the town of Wanaka in The Southern Alps of New Zealand. A sensitive since childhood, he began his awakening at The age of 21 when He healed himself from a Broken back and Smashed Face. This began a new education in The Arts of Healing and Transformation. He is a Reiki Master, Minister(Bachelor of Divinity), Channel, Practicing Shaman, Energy Healer, Inner Child Therapist, Sound Healer, Teacher/Therapist of Tantra, and Councillor.

He has also Healed himself from, Cancer, A Brain Tumour, Many Physical Injuries (including a 2nd broken back experience) and Mental Illness (severe depression). This has all been great practice and very educational. Sion has been acknowledged as a ‘spiritual teacher’ by The Karmapa Lama, as his Dhama.

He is grateful to have been able to teach several hundred workshops around the World and to Be part of many Festivals and Seminars. His teaching/healing/presenting/sessions are practical, insightful and empowering. Humour and Love and a great part of his work and creating a Safe Space for people to move through the challenges of life."

More about Richard and his work can be found here:

FB: Richard Sion RA Windelov
FB: Sion RA

Rafał Wilk

"Chronobiology: what it is and how to manage human energy"

Rafał about his encounter:

"Your body plays the most perfect symphony, mediating communication between cells, mitochondria, and microbes - it's called the circadian cycle, or your potential hidden in the natural, cyclical processes of the Earth.

Imagine a situation where you wake up without an alarm clock, often with the sunrise, and your mind is clear and alert until the moment you close your eyes to go to sleep. In the flood of common supplement recommendations bordering on obsession, Rafał Wilk under the brand SIŁA WILKA proposes a natural alternative on the path to improving the quality of life – leveraging knowledge in the field of chronobiology.

Applying knowledge of the circadian cycle influences every process occurring in the human body. For 10 years, it has been known to control, among other things, metabolism, digestion, aging, immunity, inflammation, and hormone production, to name only the most crucial aspects. In 2019, the Nobel Prize was awarded for explaining the mechanism of the circadian cycle - an accolade highlighting the revolutionary significance of this discovery."


"Trainer, clinical dietitian, consultant, and full-time IFAA personal trainer.

Author of over 100 on-site training sessions on the topics of ketosis and biohacking throughout Poland, including at the Wroclaw Medical University, as well as training sessions upon special requests within organized groups and companies. Co-creator of free projects promoting a return to health and expert knowledge on ketosis and ketogenic diets: KETOpost, KETOreduction, KETOmass, KETOtherapies, etc. Popularizer of knowledge in the field of the circadian cycle, the importance of the environment, and social interaction for the human body.

Personally, a playful mind full of questions and doubts, perpetually hungry for sought-after answers. Continuously expands knowledge through further training, books and scientific publications, and comprehensive collaboration with challenging, often 'unwanted cases.' A lover of naturopathy and a holistic approach to medicine and humanity.

A skeptic of the bias present in the fitness community, such as ready-made schemes and templates or imposed frameworks according to popular dietary systems. In his work, he focuses on the fundamentals of physiology and biochemistry, supported by proper analysis and methodology based on individual cases. An enthusiast of personalization from diet to training, to supplementation, often extending to lifestyle or mindset. Fresh blood and a strong alternative!"

You can find more about Rafał and his work here:

FB: Siła Wilka - Konsulting personalny: dieta, forma i zdrowie, a styl życia
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/silawilka/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrQlXGH9v3o-rIQm3gsI-hg



Męski Team about his encounter:

"Transmodal Breathwork - the method is based on millennia-old spiritual and shamanic practices while also drawing on modern scientific research. Why do we share breath? Because breath is the foundation of life. The freer it is, the more smoothly energy flows within us. With more emotions, passion, and a desire to act. We feel more, engage more, and live more fully. We have a better and more liberating connection with ourselves and with other people. We want to embrace life with both hands.

As men, we often seek access to this life energy. Through it, we can build and create, reach and conquer, define and protect our territory. With this power, we can explore the world, discover our passion, and fulfill our life mission. And from this place, from our energy-filled core, we can truly and sincerely open ourselves to others, sharing our best gifts with them.

Breath allows us to release tension and emotional baggage, opening us to experiencing our own vitality and embodiment. It can also lead to expanded states of consciousness achieved by shamans or in meditative practices. Sessions are accompanied by energetic transformation, the release of emotions, integration of difficult past experiences, increased body awareness, and sometimes spontaneous healing of illnesses or life patterns, or even visions. You can approach the sessions with a chosen theme from your life where you need empowerment."


"MASCULINE TEAM - Practitioners of Transmodal Breathwork.
Marek Budziński - Member of the Breath Institute. Tattoo artist and forest education trainer. Streetworker. I am a lover of life and well-being. Conscious breathing is my personal compass to myself. I conduct individual sessions, group sessions, and workshops in various cities in Poland and online. I create safe breathing spaces so that we can explore ourselves in trust and openness, living our lives in truth.

Maciej Sulima - I have undergone my own therapy and participated in bodywork training in the Gestalt psychotherapy stream. I work energetically remotely, conduct energy analyses, and insights for business needs. I am a breath practitioner at the Breath Institute. I work in a systemic way, have shamanic experiences, including the world of sacred plants. I am convinced that everyone has their unique path, and all we can do is help them connect with their inner guide. If they ask for it. And be a presence in which it can happen... Together with my wife, we have been living in Podlasie for 7 years and created a place called Cuda niewidy Podlasie, a workshop space.

Michał Godlewski - Founder of the Breath Institute, author of the Transmodal Breathwork method, the book 'Breath Intelligence,' and creator of the breath community. For 20 years, he has been conducting breath workshops and developmental training, with thousands of participants, including the Professional Breath Practitioner Training and the Men's Gathering, where we experience circles, breath sessions, ceremonies, dance, and initiations. Also a dancer, composer, publisher, and businessman."

You can find more about their work here:

FB: Pracownia Oddechu - Jestem Marek Budziński
FB: NOWE Cuda Niewidy Podlasie
WWW: www.InstytutOddechu.com
WWW: www.InteligencjaOddechu.pl
Grupa Inteligencja Oddechu:

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